

Electricians in the construction industry will need to know how to read blueprints and wiring diagrams. They will work with various hand and power tools to install wire and various electrical apparatus according to state and local building codes throughout newly constructed buildings. They will also use specialized testing equipment to diagnose and repair existing electrical wiring throughout a structure. Electricians may work alone or on a crew to train apprentices or help complete larger jobs.


The electrical industry is in need of apprentices and electricians as there is currently a shortage of these skill laborers in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. Additionally, trained electricians are needed now more than ever to help reduce our carbon footprint by establishing innovative ways to increase energy efficiency and conservation using modern and fast-growning technologies through alternative energy sources such as solar and wind energy.

What can you expect from the Electricity I & II courses?

The Electricity program at Rowanty Technical Center is a two-year program: Electricity I and Electricity II, both of which are offered as dual enrollment courses with John Tyler Community College. Students who choose to enroll in – and meet the enrollment qualifications for – the dual enrollment program have the opportunity to earn 12 college credits from John Tyler Community College and will receive their Career Studies Certificate upon successful completion of the two-year program.

Electricity I & II students are trained in a way that prepares them for an apprenticeship after high school. First year students begin the program with the theory behind making electricity. This involves a large portion of classroom learning and an introduction to hands-on activity in the electrical shop. They learn the basic wiring of switches and receptacles and then learn the wiring of electrical panels and other circuitry within residential wiring. They will also complete a 10 hour OSHA Construction Safety training cours. By the end of the year, the students wire a small house located in the shop.

Second year students learn about small commercial and light industrial work. They perform several light maintenance projects for Rowanty which provides them with a unique opportunity as high school students to gain many hours of field training. They also learn to use the National Electrical Code to perform jobs according to state and local building codes. During this year, they will also take the NOCTI Electtrical Construction Technology industry ceritification test. Upon completing the program, students will be well equipped with the skills and abilities needed to work in the field while pursuing additional education.

Electricity I & II Syllabus

Each syllabus for Electricity I and Electricity II contains a unique Course Description and Course Objectives section, followed by sections common to both courses. Click the heading below to expand each class syllabus.

Electricity I

Course Description

Comprehensive study of the 2014 National Electrical Code with emphasis on Chapters 1-4. Attention will be given on residential application and grounding.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of the course, students should:

  1. Find basic residential wiring codes.
  2. Calculate a basic house service.
  3. Learn terms and how to find code references.

Electricity II

Course Description

Comprehensive study of the 2014 National Electrical Code with emphasis on introduction and definitions. Attention will be given on the right terms and how to use the NEC code book.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of the course, students should:

  1. Learn the purpose and set up of the NEC code book.
  2. Learn the terms usage.
  3. Learn the basic residential wiring codes in article 110, 200, and 210.

The following sections are common to the Electricity I and Electricity II courses.

Electricity - General

Course Text

NEC 2014 NFPA 70: National Electrical Code

Additional References

Lab materials handouts and other handouts as necessary

Attendance Policy

Missing 20% or more during one semester will result in dismissal from the dual enrollment program, if enrolled. Students will receive points per day for attendance and participation. Students will receive a call home after 3 missed day per semester. After 5 missed days the students will have meeting with the parent and principal.

Course Requirements

A hand held calculator capable of scientific and trigonometric functions will be required to perform calculations in assigned problems found in class work, homework, tests, and the final examinations. Texas Instruments TI-30XA is strongly recommended. Cell phone calculators are not allowed.

Student Course Responsibility

The student is responsible for all assignments, reading material assignments, laboratory experiment observations, and all materials covered during lectures and laboratory sessions.

Student Conduct Policy

  • Students must come prepared for class with their notebook, calculator, and pen/pencil.
  • Cheating will result in a grade of a zero and the incident reported to the principal.
  • We must conduct ourselves in a professional manner at all times.
  • We must treat all members of the class with respect.
  • Harassment/bullying is not tolerated. If you witness such behavior, report your concerns to Mr. Freeman or an administrator.
  • Cell phones should be turned off before entering classroom. The use of cell phones is prohibited in the classroom and other areas of the school per the Rowanty Student Code of Conduct.


All assignments (homework, quizzes, examinations, lab reports, projects, research reports, etc.,) are to be turned in by the due date without the instructor having to ask for or remind the student to turn in the assignment. Late assignments will have 10% of the maximum attainable grade deducted for each class assignment.


Homework is a learning tool used for the purpose of reinforcing the classroom discussions. Students are expected to complete the homework session and work any assigned problems prior to solutions being reviewed in class. At random times, homework may be collected, evaluated, and counted as part of the student’s grade.


A midterm examination will be given at the end of the fall semester and a final examination will be given at the end of the spring semester.

Lab Sessions

Safety in the laboratory is of the utmost concern at all times. The laboratory session is not dismissed until all materials are returned to the proper storage place and students have been approved to leave by the instructor. Lab projects are graded based upon performance, participation, and abiding by the safety rules.
Laboratory Safety Rules:

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are the be worn at all times.
  • Safety Glasses will be issued to the students at the beginning of the year, with it being the students responsibility to keep up with.
  • Failure to wear all required PPE will result in dismissal from the lab and a “0” for that day’s participation grade.
  • Closed-toe shoes are to be worn in the lab. No flip-flops or sandals.

Behavior in the Laboratory:

  • Follow the directions of the instructor at all times.
  • All Electronic devices must be off while in the lab.
  • No food or drinks are allowed in lab. Water will be provided in designated locations.
  • Never work by yourself at any time. There must be two people in the lab before any one person may use any machine or tool. No one may perform any lab task unsupervised.

General Equipment Safety and Clean Up Requirements:

  • Do not work on any exercise while equipment is energized (HOT). Turn off all power before wiring or adjusting any circuits.
  • The safety manual for this laboratory is located in the SDS book.
  • Know your lab equipment, know what it can and cannot do. If you do not know how to do something, ASK.
  • Check your lab equipment and make sure it is secure and in good working order.

Grading Scale

A     90 – 100
B     80 – 89
C     70 – 79
D     60 – 69
F     Below 60

Grade Evaluation

Semester 1 / 2
Quarter 1 / 3
Quarter 2 / 4
Exam 1 / 2
Semester 1
Semester 2

Class/lab attendance and performance, safety emphasis, equipment usage, and area cleanup are all part of the daily participation grade. Tests will be given at the end of each chapter/unit.

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