Collision Repair Technology



What can you expect from the Automotive Body Technology I & II courses?

Auto Body I is a semester long course and is part of the cluster program grouped with Carpentry, Masonry, and Welding. Students who enroll in this course for a semester may choose to enroll in one of the remaining three from the cluster during the next semester, or may choose to stay at their high school. Students who have successfully completed the first level of any of the four cluster classes may choose to take the corresponding year long second level course the following school year to complete the program.

First year students will begin the class with instruction in safety and pollution through the online S/P2 modules during the first month. Students will learn about shop safety and begin learning the basic concepts of non-structural damage analysis and repair. During the semester, students will have an opportunity to develop basic skills in painting and refinishing through classroom instruction and hands-on learning in the shop.

Second year students will complete the S/P2 modules again as a review for safety. During the year, students will spend the majority of their time in the shop developing advanced skills in painting and refinishing with hands-on training activities. Students will also prepare for and take the ASE Entry Level Painting and Refinishing NATEF Certification test. This test is given in the Fall and again in the Spring as a retake attempt.

Automotive Body Technology I & II Syllabus

Course Description

Rowanty Technical Center is proud to offer a program designed to introduce students to an exciting field of Collision Repair. Here the students will develop skills in the use of body shop tools, equipment, materials and foremost; safety. The students will be able to receive training on repairing small dents and panel replacement, plastic repair and refinishing on shop and individual projects. Emphasis will be placed on the development of the necessary skills and knowledge required to function successfully in this industry.

Course Goals

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

Auto Body I
Practice Safety
Properly use hand & power tools
Identify body & mechanical problems
Plan a sequence of repairs
Perform basic MIG (metal inert gas) welding using wire feed & torches
Perform basic finishing on metal
Properly use plastic filler
Perform panel replacement & alignment and bonding procedures
Repair basic dents in metals & plastics
Perform rubber bumper & plastic parts repairs
Perform basic moveable glass replacement
Perform interior vehicle cleaning including extraction
Pinstripe decals
Buff & polish vehicles
Auto Body II – Refinishing
Practice Safety
Explain advanced theory
Properly use hand & power tools
Perform advanced MIG (metal inert gas) welding
Perform advanced metal finishing
Properly use plastic filler
Perform fiberglass repair
Perform advanced panel replacement
Perform surface preparation & sanding
Demonstrate knowledge of taping, priming, and sealers
Demonstrate knowledge of color mixing & matching and cleaners
Perform wet sanding & buffing
Spray with HVLP (high-volume, low-pressure) guns
Properly spray catalyzed primers
Perform base/clear painting

Course Outline

The following topics are planned to be covered:

Auto Body Tech I
Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills
Personal Qualities and People Skills
Professional Knowledge and Skills
Technology Knowledge and Skills
Examining All Aspects of an Industry
Addressing Elements of Student Life
Preparing for Non-Structural Analysis and Damage Repair
Practicing Safety
Repairing the Outer Body Panel
Applying Metal Finishing and Body Filling
Repairing Moveable Glass and Hardware
Practicing Metal Welding and Cutting
Working with Plastics and Adhesives
Preparing for a Career in Auto Body Repair
Auto Body Tech II
Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills
Personal Qualities and People Skills
Professional Knowledge and Skills
Technology Knowledge and Skills
Examining All Aspects of an Industry
Addressing Elements of Student Life
Review – Non-Structural Analysis and Damage Repair
Practicing Safety
Preparing the Surface
Operating Spray Gun and Related Equipment
Mixing, Matching, and Applying Paint
Identifying Paint Defects–Causes and Cures
Applying Final Detailing
Preparing for a Career in Auto Body Repair

Related Instruction

The Rowanty auto collision course relates math and science directly to the topic of discussion. This allows the students to understand the direct relationship of math or science to the automobile, which reinforces the concept on a personal level, rather than the instruction in a math or science classroom. Students are taught interpersonal relations through the act of working in teams in the laboratory/shop and interacting with the instructors and staff of the institution.


Duffy, James E. Collision Repair Fundamentals. 1st ed., Thomson, 2008.

Required Supplies

  • Pencil/Pen
  • Ruler
  • 3-Ring Binder
  • Headphones
  • Flash Drive
  • Paper


  • Weekly Quizzes
  • Projects
  • Participation
  • Note Book
  • Class Assignments
  • Skills

Note: Plans are subject to change


Semester 1 / 2
Quarter 1 / 3
Quarter 2 / 4
Exam 1 / 2
Semester 1
Semester 2

Projects/Extended Assignments

A project or extended assignment may be given. Grading for projects will be distributed in the various categories listed (Example: two quiz grades). Different grading percentages may be provided to students with the original assignment.

Class Participation

The Auto Collision course is a hands on course with an active lab. You as a student will be participating in the lab area along with classroom actives and participation. Class participation criteria will be provided by the course instructor.

Grading Scale

A     90-100
B     80-89
C     70-79
D     60-69
F     Below 60

Honor Code

RTC Code of Honor is in effect at all times. See student handbook. Plagiarism or cheating of any sort is unacceptable. Any student found guilty of these offenses will be reported to administration immediately for disciplinary action.

Electronic Use Policy

Students must abide by the RTC Technology Use policy, as outlined in the RTC Student Handbook. Any violations of this policy will be reported immediately to the IT Department and/or Administration, and appropriate action will be taken.

Students are not allowed use of any electronic devices within the classroom without express permission from the instructor. Once the instructor has provided permission to use an electronic device, students are required to follow the guidelines, rules, and procedure outlined by the instructor at all times. Any violation of this protocol will result in the loss of the privilege to use electronic devices within the classroom. The violation may also result in the loss of credit for the assignment in which the device was being used. The violation may also result in a report to the IT Department and/or Administration.

Electronic devices should be stored appropriately when not in use. If an instructor sees an electronic device during a time when no permission for use has been provided, then the device will be taken and appropriate action will be taken. Appropriate action may include, but not be limited to, confiscation for the remainder of the class or day, confiscation until a parent picks up the device, and/or delivery of the device to RTC administration.

Please note that violations of electronic use policy could be considered to be an honor code violation and could impact admission and membership in organizations such as honor societies.

Make-up Policy

Students are responsible for seeing the teacher the first school day upon return from an absence. The students MUST initiate this meeting. It is the student’s responsibility to get homework assignments on days that are missed in class, either by contacting the teacher by email while absent or the school day on which he/she returns.

Failure to make-up work within five (5) school days or at a time determined within those five days by the teacher will result in the loss of grade. If a student is absent on the day of a test, the student will take the test the next class period he/she returns to class. The make-up test may be different from the original test.

If a student is present when an assignment is given but absent on the day it is due, he/she must turn it in the day he/she returns to school (NOT the day he/she comes to class but the DAY he/she returns to school). If a student is present for all material covered on a test and/or quiz and is absent the class immediately preceding the test and/or quiz, the student will be required to take the test and/or quiz, as scheduled if they are present.

Please note that if an assignment is due on a day where you miss a class but are present at school for any portion of the day, you are required to turn in the assignment. If the assignment is not turned in before you leave or when you arrive on such a day, then the assignment is either considered late or not turned in (which can be recorded as a missed assignment and recorded as a zero).

Late Work Policy

Late assignments are discouraged. A penalty of 5 points per school day will be assessed. Assignments/projects due on the day of a field trip and/or performance are not exempt from this policy. Any assignment not turned in will result in a zero for that assignment. All assignments must be turned in prior to the end of each quarter. Late assignments for the previous quarter will not be accepted once grades have been turned in for that quarter.

Final Exam Exemption Policy

  • No student will be exempt from mid-term exams.
  • There are no exam exemptions for 1st year programs. For one year, 2nd semester of cluster, and two year programs, students must have a minimum of 80/B (by the administrative cut-off date) and have passed their industry certification (does not include Workplace Readiness Skills) to receive an exam exemption for the end of the year.
  • Attendance – If a student is absent for the exam on the date that it is given, the student will have to produce a legal note to administration to be able to take the exam.
  • If the student is suspended on the date of the exam, the student will receive a 0/F for the exam, which is 20% of the student’s semester grade.

General Class Procedcures

  1. Upon entering class, all class materials should be taken out. Students should be prepared for class immediately. Social and excessive talking at this time is prohibited. All cell phones are to be placed in the pocket of the charging station or in your locker.
  2. Homework should be checked in upon entering the class. Questions will be addressed this time.
  3. Permission should be granted before any student leaves their seat after interring the class room.
  4. Notes should be taken during all lessons. Failure to do so will only hurt your understanding of the concept being taught.

General Class Rules

  1. Respect one another.
  2. ALWAYS wait to be addressed before speaking.
  3. Requests for missing assignments will be honored after school or during classwork.
  4. Permission for restroom/water pass will be granted only in dire emergency.
  5. Group discussion should remain at a soft-spoken level.
  6. Request permission before logging onto the class computers.
  7. Request permission before printing any document or web page.
  8. Take charge and responsibility for your own actions or inactions.
  9. No foods, drinks without permission in the classroom.
  10. No foods, drinks are not permitted in the shop at any time
  11. Students will not be allowed to return to their lockers for missing classroom materials.
  12. Cellphones are to be placed at the charging station at all times or in your locker no one is to have their phones during class times.
For more information about careers in Automotive Body Technology, check out the links below