

The majority of laborers in the construction industry are carpenters. They take part in every phase of construction, and are usually the first trade on the job. Carpenters work with wood and wood composites, metal, plastic, and masonry materials to construct and repair structures and parts. They lay out, cut, fit, and fasten materials to erect the framework and apply the finish. Carpenters build houses, factories, banks, schools, hospitals, churches, bridges, dams, and many other structures. In addition to new construction, a large part of the workforce is engaged in the remodeling and repairing of existing structures.


The residential construction industry is one of the largest sectors of the American economy. When the economy is stable and home loans are more affordable, the housing industry does very well thus job opportunities for carpenters are plentiful. There are many types of jobs in the construction industry requiring a variety of skills in physical labor, working with various tools, and working with computers. Such occupational areas include design to imagine and create the ideas for the building, unskilled and semi-skilled labor to do the physical work, management to organize the process, and skilled trades who are highly trained in a specific skill.

What can you expect from the Carpentry I & II courses?

The purpose of the Carpentry program at Rowanty Technical Center is to introduce the student to the necessary skills to become a professional carpenter.  The carpentry student will practice safety, learn construction theory, and take part in the practical application through various planned projects.

Over the course of three semeseters, students will be educated in the following:

  • Industrial Safety / OSHA Standards
  • Wood and Wood Products
  • Engineered Lumber Products
  • Fasteners
  • Hand Tools
  • Portable Power Tools
  • Stationary Power Tools
  • Ladders and Scaffolding
  • Foundations and FlatWork
  • Floor Framing
  • Wall Framing
  • Ceiling Framing
  • Roof Framing
  • Siding and Accompanying Accessories
  • Exterior Trim
  • Interior Trim

Seniors enrolled in Carpentry II will receive industry standard forklift certification upon successful completion of forklift training and a permanent OSHA 10 certificate and wallet card upon successful completion of the CareerSafe® 10-Hour OSHA training course included in the program. For a complete list of all available certifications, please visit the Certifications page.

Carpentry I & II Syllabus

Click the headings below to expand the syllabus for Carpentry I and Carpentry II

Carpentry I Course Syllabus

Course Description

The purpose of this portion of the carpentry program is to introduce students to the trade in terms of safety, theory, and practical application of the skills required by a professional tradesman. The course will require approximately 50% classroom instruction and 50% application of necessary skills in a shop environment. These percentages are subject to change based on time and mastery by the students in certain applications.

Instructional Philosophy

This course introduces the student to the necessary skills required of a professional carpenter. The program is designed as a prerequisite course for continued education in the construction field or to obtain entry level skills for employment as a carpenter. The student needs to be proficient in math, preferably having completed geometry, and proficient in reading and locating information. The student will be responsible for actively engaging in assignments in both independent and team environments. Practicing safety will be of the utmost importance in evaluating the student’s progress. Communication and collaboration with the instructor and classmates are two aspects that will be taken into consideration as each student works toward developing a successful work ethic.

Course Outline

  • Unit 1: SP2 Safety Course
  • Unit 2: Wood and Lumber
  • Unit 3: Engineered Panels
  • Unit 4: Engineered Lumber Products
  • Unit 5: Hand Tools
  • Unit 6: Portable Power Tools
  • Unit 7: Stationary Power Tools
  • Unit 8: Architectural Plans and Building Codes

State Tasks and Competency Lists are followed in conjunction with these units. Many of the competencies are repeated throughout each unit.


Vogt, Floyd (2014). Carpentry 6th ed. Delmar Cengage Learning.

Required Supplies

  • Pencil & Pen
  • Composition Book (provided)
  • Safety Glasses (provided)
  • Tool Belt (provided)
  • Hammer (provided)
  • Tape Measure
  • Students must purchase a 25’ Stanley Tape Measure at a cost: $10.00 from Rowanty Technical Center.

Locker Assignment

Each student will be assigned a locker to secure personal belongings. Lockers left unlocked, open, or combinations being shared are not the responsibility of Rowanty Technical Center.

Dress Code

Specific apparel is required for programs within the Technical Center by the nature of the work to be performed as well as by State and/or local policy. Students will be advised of these requirements at the beginning of the school year and will be given a reasonable amount of time to procure the needed items (two weeks from opening). Closed toe shoes should be worn at all times at Rowanty Technical Center, including the classroom. Bedroom shoes should not be worn at Rowanty Technical Center for any reason. No tank tops will be worn at any time in Carpentry for safety reasons. The two finger strap rule does NOT apply in the Carpentry program. Additionally, students must wear appropriate personal protective equipment when performing hazardous operations. Personal protective equipment includes safety glasses/shields and may include gloves, aprons, etc.


Semester 1 / 2
Quarter 1 / 3
Quarter 2 / 4
Exam 1 / 2

Other refers to homework, informal skills evaluation, etc. A Participation Rubric is provided to each student requiring a parent signature.
Participation and attendance are integral parts of the grading process of this course. Lack of effort in these two areas can adversely affect the grade received.
Tests and quizzes will be taken only once. Students will have ample time to prepare for assignments.

Grading Scale

A     90 – 100
B     80 – 89
C     70 – 79
D     60 – 69
F     Below 60

Make-up Policy

The work make-up policy can be referenced in the Rowanty Student Handbook.

Exam Policy

  1. No student shall be exempt from any mid-semester exam.
  2. For a student to be exempt a final exam from a second year course or one-year course he or she must:
    1. have a minimum of “80/B” in the class through the cutoff date. The cutoff date will be determined each year by the principal. The student must also have passed a certification exam to be eligible for student exemption.
    2. have no misconduct violations which resulted in an out-of-school suspension.
    3. have no more than six (6) unexcused absences in the class during the school year. No more than three (3) tardies to class during the school year. The only exceptions to the attendance rules are below and must be approved by the principal:
      1. Students who are over the limit of tardies or absences because of school related activities.
      2. Death in the family.
      3. Court appearances (subpoena required).
      4. Hospitalization.
      5. Prolonged illness over a specific period of time in situations where there have not been previous attendance problems and in which the absence is a sudden deviation from the student’s usual attendance pattern.

Electronic Use Policy

Each student in the Carpentry program is expected to adhere to all of the policies listed in the student handbook. Cell Phones are NOT to be used or visible at any time. Students will place their phone into the pockets available IMMEDIATELY as they enter the Carpentry classroom. There are NO exceptions to this rule. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary measures taken. This also applies to all other personal electronic devices. Each student is given an acceptable computer-use agreement form that must be signed by the student and parent.

Honor Code

See Academic Conduct on Page 25 of the Student Code of Conduct Handbook.

General Class Rules

  • Be Prompt!
  • Be Respectful!
  • Anything worth doing is worth doing RIGHT!

Carpentry II Course Syllabus

Course Description

The purpose of the second year of the Carpentry program is to reinforce the theories and practical applications covered in Carpentry I. Safety will be reviewed extensively as the student will complete the OSHA 10 training modules. The course will require approximately 40% classroom instruction and 60% application of necessary skills in a shop environment. These percentages are subject to change based on time and mastery by the students in certain applications.

Instructional Philosophy

The second portion of the Carpentry program is designed as prerequisite course for continued education in the construction field or to obtain entry level skills for employment as a carpenter. The student needs to be proficient in math, preferably having completed geometry, and be proficient in reading and locating information. Practicing safety will be of the utmost importance in evaluating the student’s progress. Communication and collaboration with the instructor and classmates are two aspects that will be taken into consideration as each student works toward developing a successful work ethic.

Course Outline

  • Unit 1: Forklift Certification
  • Unit 2: OSHA 10 Certification
  • Unit 3: Review Wood, Lumber, Engineered Panels, Engineered Lumber Products, Fasteners, Hand Tools, Portable Power Tools, Stationary Power Tools.
  • Unit 4: Architectural Plans and Building Codes
  • Unit 5: Building Layout
  • Unit 6: Foundations, Concrete, and Formwork
  • Unit 7: Floor Framing
  • Unit 8: Exterior Wall Framing
  • Unit 9: Interior Rough Work
  • Unit 10: Roof Framing
  • Unit 11: Roofing
  • Unit 12: Windows
  • Unit 13: Exterior Doors
  • Unit 14: Siding and Cornice Construction

State Tasks and Competency Lists are followed in conjunction with these units. Many of the competencies are repeated throughout each unit.


Vogt, Floyd (2014). Carpentry 6th ed. Delmar Cengage Learning.

Required Supplies

  • Pencil & Pen
  • Composition Book (provided)
  • Safety Glasses (provided)
  • Tool Belt
  • Hammer
  • Tape Measure

Students must purchase the following:

25’ Stanley Tape Measure
Toughbuilt Tool Pouch
Husky Work Belt

Locker Assignment

Each student will be assigned a locker to secure personal belongings. Lockers left unlocked, open, or combinations being shared are not the responsibility of Rowanty Technical Center.

Dress Code

Specific apparel is required for programs within the Technical Center by the nature of the work to be performed as well as by State and/or local policy. Students will be advised of these requirements at the beginning of the school year and will be given a reasonable amount of time to procure the needed items (two weeks from opening). Closed toe shoes should be worn at all times at Rowanty Technical Center, including the classroom. Bedroom shoes should not be worn at Rowanty Technical Center for any reason. No tank tops will be worn at any time in Carpentry for safety reasons. The two finger strap rule does NOT apply in the Carpentry program. Additionally, students must wear appropriate personal protective equipment when performing hazardous operations. Personal protective equipment includes safety glasses/shields and may include gloves, aprons, etc.


Semester 1 / 2
Quarter 1 / 3
Quarter 2 / 4
Exam 1 / 2
Semester 1
Semester 2

Other refers to homework, informal skills evaluation, etc. A Participation Rubric is provided to each student requiring a parent signature.
Participation and attendance are integral parts of the grading process of this course. Lack of effort in these two areas can adversely affect the grade received.
Tests and quizzes will be taken only once. Students will have ample time to prepare for assignments.

Grading Scale

A     90 – 100
B     80 – 89
C     70 – 79
D     60 – 69
F     Below 60

Make-up Policy

The work make-up policy can be referenced in the Rowanty Student Handbook.

Exam Policy

  1. No student shall be exempt from any mid-semester exam.
  2. For a student to be exempt a final exam from a second year course or one-year course he or she must:
    1. have a minimum of “80/B” in the class through the cutoff date. The cutoff date will be determined each year by the principal. The student must also have passed a certification exam to be eligible for student exemption.
    2. have no misconduct violations which resulted in an out-of-school suspension.
    3. have no more than six (6) unexcused absences in the class during the school year. No more than three (3) tardies to class during the school year. The only exceptions to the attendance rules are below and must be approved by the principal:
      1. Students who are over the limit of tardies or absences because of school related activities.
      2. Death in the family.
      3. Court appearances (subpoena required).
      4. Hospitalization.
      5. Prolonged illness over a specific period of time in situations where there have not been previous attendance problems and in which the absence is a sudden deviation from the student’s usual attendance pattern.

Electronic Use Policy

Each student in the Carpentry program is expected to adhere to all of the policies listed in the student handbook. Cell Phones are NOT to be used or visible at any time. Students will place their phone into the pockets available IMMEDIATELY as they enter the Carpentry classroom. There are NO exceptions to this rule. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary measures taken. This also applies to all other personal electronic devices. Each student is given an acceptable computer-use agreement form that must be signed by the student and parent.

Honor Code

See Academic Conduct on Page 25 of the Student Code of Conduct Handbook.

General Class Rules

  • Be Prompt!
  • Be Respectful!
  • Anything worth doing is worth doing RIGHT!
For more information about careers in Carpentry, check out the links below