Automotive Technology


Automotive service technicians and mechanics, often called service technicians or service techs, inspect, maintain, and repair cars and light trucks.


Most automotive service technicians and mechanics work in well-ventilated and well-lit repair shops. Although technicians often identify and fix automotive problems with computers, they commonly work with greasy parts and tools, sometimes in uncomfortable positions.

What can you expect from the Automotive Technology I & II courses?

This course is designed to prepare juniors and seniors for an entry level position as an Automotive Technician. This is a two year program and during both years students will develop an understanding of the automotive field and employment options. Students will gain basic knowledge and principles of automotive designs and operation of major components: steering and suspension, brakes, electrical, heating and air conditioning, automatic transmission and transaxles, manual drive train and axles, engine repair and engine performance. Students will also learn important safety policies and math for the automotive trade. Students will develop basic skills using automotive tools and equipment. Students will learn how to prepare repair orders and order parts for actual vehicles.

Automotive Technology I & II Syllabus


There is industry need for quality trained young men and women in the Automotive Technology service field. There are many unfilled positions for entry level technicians as well as upper level workers.

Course Goal/Description

This course is designed to prepare juniors and seniors for an entry level position as an Automotive Technician. This is a two-year program and during both years students will develop an understanding of the automotive field and employment options. Students will gain basic knowledge and principles of automotive designs and operation of major components: steering and suspension, brakes, electrical, heating and air conditioning, automatic transmission and transaxles, manual drive train and axles, engine repair and engine performance. Students will also learn important safety policies and math for the automotive trade. Students will develop basic skills using automotive tools and equipment. Students will learn how to prepare repair orders and order parts for actual vehicles.

Program Objectives/Essential Skills

Upon successful completion of this course each student will be able to:

  1. Perform those skills necessary for an entry level position in the field of Automotive Technology.
  2. Locate technical and related information, which is essential in making judgments for problem solving abilities.
  3. Operate hand tools and equipment safely.
  4. Communicate effectively with employers, employees, peers and patrons in a constructive and purposeful manner.
  5. Recognize the need to continually upgrade individual skills and stay current with technology in the automotive industry.
  6. Recognize his/her role and responsibility as an Automotive Technician in meeting the needs of business and industry.

Graded Assignments

Various graded assignments will be given to the students throughout the semester. These assignments may be taken from textbooks or other resources the teacher provides.

Course Outline

  • Orientation
  • Introduction to Automotive Technology
  • Introduction to NATEF/ASE
  • Safety Policies
  • Math for the Automotive Trade
  • Automotive Engine Repair
  • Automotive Electrical/Electronics
  • Automotive Brakes
  • Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning
  • Automotive Steering and Suspension
  • Automotive Automatic Transmission and Transaxle
  • Automotive Manual Drive Train and Axles
  • Automotive Engine Performance
  • Virginia Automobile State Safety Inspection

Required Materials

  • Safety glasses (initial pair supplied by the School)
  • Closed Toe Shoes or boots
  • Pens & pencils
  • Notebook and paper
  • Gloves (recommended)
  • Shop clothing (recommended)
  • Textbook


Jones and Bartlett Learning (2015). Fundamentals of Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair.  5 Wall Street, Burlington, MA 01803

Teaching Methods

  • Written assignments
  • Lecture & discussions
  • Group assignments
  • Instructor demonstrations
  • Computer simulations
  • Audio/visual aids
  • Guest speakers
  • Projects
  • Quizzes & tests


Skills Assessments
Semester 1 / 2
Quarter 1 / 3
Quarter 2 / 4
Exam 1 / 2
Semester 1
Semester 2

Class Participation

Class participation criteria will be provided on separate document.

Grading Scale

A          90-100
B          80-89
C          70-79
D          60-69
F          0-59

Honor Code

Rowanty Code of Honor is in effect at all times. See student handbook. Plagiarism or cheating of any sort is unacceptable. Any student found guilty of these offenses will be reported to administration for disciplinary action.

Electronics Use Policy

Students must abide by the Rowanty Vocational Technical Center Technology Use policy, aas outlined in the Rowanty Vocational Technical Center Student Handbook. Any violations of this policy will be reported immediately to the IT Department and/or administration and appropriate action will be taken.

Students are not allowed use of any electronic devices within the classroom without express permission from the instructor. Once the instructor has provided permission to use an electronic device, students are required to follow the guidelines, rules and procedure outlined by the instructor at all times. Any violation of this protocol will result in the loss of the privilege to use electronic devices within the classroom. The violation may also result in the loss of credit for the assignment in which the device was being used. The violation may also result in a report to the IT Department and/or Administration.

Electronic devices should be stored appropriately when not in use. If an instructor sees an electronic device during a time when no permission for use has been provided, then the device will be taken and appropriate action will be taken. Appropriate action may include, but not limited to, confiscation for remainder of the class or day, and/or confiscation until a parent picks up the device from administration.

Classroom & Shop Rules/Procedures

We are fortunate to have a nice classroom and shop. Please do not sit on tables or equipment, put your feet on the walls or furniture, lean back in chairs and put your trash IN the trash can. If you make a mess, you will clean that mess up.

  1. All students will read and understand the school code of conduct handbook given at the beginning of the school year.
  2. All students will respect the rights of fellow students at all times.
  3. Safety rules will be followed at ALL times.
  4. Protective equipment will be worn when required. Certain protective equipment will be provided and students will maintain that equipment in good condition. Protective equipment is for the safety of the student and others you are working with.
  5. Safety glasses will be worn in the shop at ALL times.
  6. Lockers will be provided in the shop area. Lockers are school property and can be opened and inspected at any time by school personnel.
  7. For your safety, CLOSED TOE SHOES MUST be worn at Rowanty Technical Center.
  8. Jewelry will be removed before engaging in any skill in the shop. This can include any necklaces, rings and watches. Any earring must be removed if deemed a safety hazard.
  9. All students are expected to be prepared and participate in daily class and/or shop activities.
  10. All students are expected to be respectful and courteous in the classroom and shop.
  11. All students are expected to come straight to class upon arrival.
  12. All students will work together as a team and have a positive attitude.
  13. NO hats will be worn in classroom or lab.
  14. Tools will be kept organized. They will be cleaned and put away in their proper place.

Make-Up Work and Incomplete Grades

Students are allowed to make up work missed because of absences except those explained in this policy. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate all arrangements to complete the make-up work the day they return to school or class. All arrangements for make-up work must be made by the student and/or parent within five days upon return to school or class. Should a student be absent for a period of ten days or more consecutively, arrangements need to be made with the student’s teachers to extend the five-day makeup period or he/she should seek information related to homebound instruction. Suspended students are allowed to make up work for a maximum of ten (10) out-of-school suspension days in the school year. Make-up work for out-of-school suspensions will not be permitted beyond the tenth (10th) out-of-school suspension day in the school year. Students will receive a grade of “zero” for all graded assignments during suspension periods exceeding ten (10) school days within a school year. Students suspended until a School Board hearing are allowed to keep up with their assignments pending the outcome of the hearing.

Make-up work for absences resulting from truancy, skipping school, or cutting class will not be permitted. A grade of “zero” will be recorded. Appeals for exception to the provision of the make-up policy will be heard by the principal.

Senior Final Exam Exemption Policy

  • No student will be exempt from any mid-semester exam.
  • For a student to be eligible to exempt a final exam from a second year course or one-year course he or she must:
    • Have a minimum of “80/B” in the class through the cutoff date. The cutoff date will be determined each year by the principal. Teachers will submit a list of exemptions for the year to the principal. The student must also have also passed a certification exam to be eligible for exemption.
    • Pass 8 of 10 ASE Student Certifications
    • Student Conduct – No misconduct violations which resulted in an out-of-school suspension.
    • Attendance – No more than six (6) unexcused absences in the class during the school year. No more than three (3) tardies to the class during the the school year. The only exceptions to the attendance rules are below and must be approved by the principal:
      • Students who are over the limit of tardies or absences because of school related activities
      • Death in the family
      • Court appearances (subpoena required)
      • Hospitalization
      • Prolonged illness over a specific period of time in situations where there have not been previous attendance problems and in which the absence is a sudden deviation from the student’s usual attendance pattern

Instructor Availability

During the school year, Mr. Wells is available as needed to help students with problems or special accommodations. Mr. Wells is available at school from 7:45 am to 2:45 pm Monday through Friday. Other availability may be arranged as needed.

For more information about careers in Automotive Technology, check out the links below