Message From the Principal
Principal Cheryl Simmers has released the following statement:
Rowanty seniors, we are in the process of planning to insure your ability to take specific certifications. Those programs listed below are directly impacted for state or union testing:
CNA students – We are stuck in limbo for clinical hours until it is safe to enter our facilities. We will, however, make plans as soon as we can. Please continue to use your State Board handbook as a guide for studying for written part of the test. Other helpful study guides are posted on Google classroom. Take this time to practice as many of your skills at home as possible. We will hold review sessions for testing as soon as we can.
Cosmetology students – There are plans in the works to insure the loss of hours do not eliminate your ability to sit for state boards. Use your candidate bulletins to continue to study. Use the scripts provided to help you with practical skills. We will keep you posted, but be assured we have not forgotten you.
Auto Tech students – For those of you that have passed the written portion of the State Inspection License test, Mr. Wells will be in touch to discuss opportunities to test for the hands-on portion.
Welding students – Mr. Clements will gather information for us to be able to still offer you the Vertical 3G testing.
All other seniors – Please know you are not forgotten. We will be discussing ways to help you end your senior year with all of the skills and assistance you will need to become employed. Please keep your resume updated. We are looking at ways to connect you to employers.
To my juniors, you are not forgotten. Please just breathe. We will get through this and will have a plan in place soon.
To our students, parents, community members, and employers, please know we appreciate your support in the past and we hope you will be there for us as we move forward. If you are willing to assist in any way, please contact me at
Be assured we are working diligently to find ways to connect you to our soon-to-be graduates. If you are on our job fair contact list, we will reach out when our plan is finalized. If you wish to be added to our job fair contact list, please send us an email at
Thanks to everyone for their understanding and patience. The Rowanty family will bounce back stronger than ever as long as we continue to work together.
All my best!
Cheryl Simmers